Have a Treetop Zipline Adventure

Nothing compares than a canopy trip and seeing the world at the topmost view while you are gliding above trees – travelling from each platform to another and being one with all the goodness of nature. St. Lucia offers adventurers a thrilling experience of a lifetime while enjoying the best aerial view of its diverse rainforest.

Before stepping off for a zip line adventure, be reminded of some considerations:

Zip lining is not recommended for pregnant women and physically-challenged individuals. Zip lining facilities are not that appropriate and adapted to people having limited capabilities most especially to pregnant mothers. This activity requires a lot of courage and tension that’s why it is restricted to persons concerned.

Zip lining is not recommended for people with respiratory or heart problems. As mentioned, this kind of rush-driven activity causes great pressure and nervousness to people who are trying it. It is strictly avoided that incidents of heart attack or difficulty with breathing be experienced while the zip line is running.

Aside from the above mentioned reminders, be sure to bring also with you trip necessities. First on the list is a pair of sneakers, because zip lining is preceded with a lot of trail walks and trekking; bring also cash for emergencies (though most zip line tours are paid beforehand); bring a bottle for sunscreen to protect you from sunburn and lastly, bring a camera to keep a record of your adventure.

The Trip Proper

Most of zip line tours and packages in St. Lucia are started with an aerial tram tour around the rainforest before approaching the cable site. Nothing to worry about things that you need to know for you will be accompanied by a local guide provided by your chosen tour company. Often, the guides will not let you experience a single glide only; in fact there are tour packages that offer 10 to 12 series of zip lining. After that, some packages offer gondola ride and a rainforest hike to give you a bird’s eye view of St. Lucia’s wildlife not to mention the sighting of the endangered jacquot parrot. There are also some that offers return trip to the terminal where you came from or to your hotel.

Don’t miss this experience to become a hero and grab the chance to fly even without wings. But no matter how high the surface of the Earth you glide on, always remember to bring your feet to the solid ground. Happiness due to experiences become real only if it is shared.

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