The Animals of St. Lucia Rainforest

St. Lucia is the sort of an island anyone dreams about. What makes it interesting is its tourism, it is not that visited by foreigners that’s why everyone gets the chance to enjoy its natural wonders without the hassle of competing with others. Though it is only 27 miles long and 14 miles wide, it has magnificent rainforest that houses relatively exciting animal creatures.       

The rainforest is respected as habitat for rarely seen plants and animals, especially birds. Actually, it has taken centuries for St. Lucia’s rainforest to become what it is now. But would you believe that it was once feared by tourists because of the local folklore that says there are evil spirits residing in the place? Probably not, most especially when you yourself arrived at St. Lucia’s mystic rainforest.                                                                         

Of all the native animals in the rainforest, perhaps the most feared by tourists is Fer-de-Lance, commonly called by locals as serpent. Also called the lance head snake, it is the most venomous snake in South and Central America. Snakes are nocturnal that’s why keep watch on this animal when you travel on night hikes. Other snake specie would be Boa Constrictor that grows from 20 inches to 14 feet long. It is not harmful unless when provoked, making a loud hissing sound. An interesting fact about boas is that, they are good swimmers but they are seldom found in water. 

Perhaps the most colorful animal in St. Lucian rainforest is the parrot, commonly known as Jacquot, their national bird. This one is endemic in St. Lucia that’s why many are attracted to catch it for international pet market. Jacquot is subject to many conservation efforts because females only lay 2 eggs for a year. It is indeed a rare occurrence seeing a St. Lucian Jacquot parrot. 

Lizards offer flashes of bright color in the rainforest; probably one of the most startling is the Green Iguana. It can grow up to 6 feet, with its tail about two-thirds of the total length. 

Relatives of the native Iguana are Tree Lizards, referred to as Anolis. In St. Lucia, most tree lizards are called Zandoli. They are interesting because males possess elaborate display that attracts females during breeding season. 

Amazingly varied terrain makes St. Lucia a home for wildlife. With many different species found on this island, this country is definitely a paradise for those who love animal watching. 

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