Get Loose at Gros Islet, St. Lucia

It doesn't matter what the situation is, it's your attitude that counts.

Let's get things straight. Gros Islet may not be the kind of ideal St. Lucian destination everyone dreams about. In terms of size, it is relatively small; in terms of structures, don't expect to see high-rised buildings because what you'll see are wooden-built houses; lastly, in terms of socio-economic status of people living in the area, sad to say, many are almost close to poverty line. As a matter of fact, it is just recent that Gros Islet was promoted to being a town from being a fishing village for long. But here's the catch. No matter how underdeveloped the town of Gros Islet may seem, and no matter how many factors are enumerated to make you dislike this town, the attitude of the people living here is indeed unbelievable. They may have all the reasons to grumble about their situation and all that's around, but this I assure you: you can barely see a collection of individuals as happy as the residents of Gros Islet. 

Gros Islet is a small fishing town situated at the northern end of St. Lucia. The streets are narrow but mostly lined by fruit and vegetable stalls. Being here gets you close to numerous water activites since there are a couple of beaches in this town. However, many of the beaches are still untouched and may not appear attractive to all compared to other beaches that define first-class St. Lucia attractions. Meanwhile, let's take a quick look at some of the beaches of Gros Islet. The most popular among the beaches at the town is the Reduit Beach which holds the best features. Next on our list is the Cas en Bas Beach which is popular for being a good site kite surfing; in fact, a kite surfing school can be found nearby where you can hire a kite or take lessons. Last is the Gros Islet Beach which is a narrow beach at the waterfront of the town.

The 'Jump-Up' Street Party

It is mentioned that the people of Gros Islet is one of the happiest people in the globe despite of their quite undesirable situation. Want to know why? It's because the people here are able to cope up with their situation and come up with something that can show their jubilant attitude. Come on a Friday night and witness this fact yourself. During the day mentioned, the streets are closed to passing cars and a lively night party gets going. It's the time where plenty of people, both locals and tourists come out of their homes, take a rest from anything that keeps them busy, and party all night long. Snack stalls and bars seem like to be armies of ants that quickly occupy the streets to provide party-goers with anything that they will be needing. This joyful tradition has been taking place for around 10 years now, and occasionally starts at 10pm 'til morning.

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In the past, the ancient St. Lucia inhabitants treasured the island and even conquered invaders just to protect the land they regard as their own. That's why it is just right for hordes and hordes of travellers around the world to enjoy the fruits of ancient St. Lucians' efforts--their struggle to fight for and preserve this beautiful Caribbean island. But, just catching a sight of this exquisite setting will not give you a full grasp of the area, it needs to be discovered, it longs to be experienced. For this reason, it is for your benefit that we have listed here some of the top things to do in St. Lucia that you ought to try. 

Go Green by Pursuing Eco Adventures St. Lucia Style

St. Lucia is indeed blessed with several areas of forests and nature reserve lands where everything seems to be enchanting. Wherever you focus your eyes to, the sound, the atmosphere, the colors, and the comfort will embrace you. If you're in for a naturalistic, tranquil and hassle-free vacation, check this following suggestions:

1. Rainforest Adventures. Tired of the old-style rainforest tours that simply involves trekking? Well, let rainforest adventures take your trip to the next level fetching you even higher. Yes, literally speaking. Located at the community of Chassin is a a package of rainforest quest that will take you flying up above the scenic tree canopies through zip lines and gondolas. Enter the enigmatic world of rainforest life while you enjoy the opportunity of soaring as high as the trees, flying like the bees. Experience the thrill and excitement provided for you by St. Lucia's first class eco-tour company.

2. Des Cartiers. Turn to the eastern coast road of the island and treat yourself for a rewarding rainforest experience. A plethora of flora and fauna are waiting to be uncovered. The trails are tough, but the tour guides made it really accessible for anyone at any skill level.

Dive to See the Hidden Wealth of St. Lucian Waters

This island has everything to boast about. Starting from productive, inhabited lands to diversed rich waters, every visitor wil surely get his need for a satisfying vacation. A number of dive sites are scattered along the island to provide an incomparable diving pursuit both to the skilled and the neophyte. Not only do the service providers are held responsible for a remarkable water experience, but also, the underwater creatures will not disappoint you. Be ready to get mesmerized of these stunning colors that reign the depths of St. Lucia. Encounter species of lobsters, seahorses, eels, amazing fishes, and fluorescent sponges that are guaranteed to satiate your eyes. Just some of the best diving sites that you must consider are the Barrel of Beef also known as 'The Rock', Pinaccles, the Lesleen 'M' Wreck, and the Superman's Flight encompassing its entry at the foot of the popular Petit Piton.

Get Chillin' at St. Lucia Soft Adventures

Aside from the aforementioned 'hefty' adventures, there are still lots and lots of lighter undertakings that awaits everyone. A scenic helicopter jaunt can be enjoyed, giving you the chance to see St. Lucia from a different viewpoint. Witness how marvelous the whole island is; cherish the views of rainforests, long stretches of inviting coast, river abysses, and valleys that all make up a superb island. You can also make a wish come true by riding your horse byt the beach! All these and more courtesy of Trim's Riding Stables located at Gros Islet. 

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More of The Morne

They say life can only be understood backwards. Whereas this truth can also be applied in a certain place’s identity—that what it is now, its people, its culture, and its looks are all remnants of the past. And to have a clearer grasp of anywhere, one must go beyond what can only be seen at the present—those that took place long time ago.

Sounds nostalgic? Well, it’s just a catch to get you ready for our featured location among the plenty St. Lucia attractions. Lying on the Southern side of Castries, St. Lucia’s capital, Morne Fortune or ‘The Morne’ is a hill and a residential area as well. It rises more than 800 feet above La Toc which is the Southern part of Castries. Since it is a hill, the views around it are all impressive—displaying St. Lucia’s eye-catching locations including the Castries Harbor. Also, situated at the Morne is the Government House, the residential home of the Governor General that dates back in history. 

The Accounts of the Past

Its name, Morne Fortune means ‘hill of good luck’ in its direct translation. However, the name seemed not to define the real essence of the place for it has stood as a battleground for several bloody fights between the French and English forces way back in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most popular battle then took place on the 24th of May, 1796 wherein the British forces captured the Morne from the French after an uphill struggle. In fact, a memorial monument was built for the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers that is still standing at this very moment. Several buildings that are constructed at the Mourne either owned by France or Britain are destroyed to ruins, but there are still historical remains that are being preserved in the area for visitors who would want a glimpse on St. Lucia’s history. These remains that stay standing are those that are built in the late 19th century. 

Relics for the Present

In the present time, Morne Fortune serves as the mirror of St. Lucia in the times elapsed. It is now surrounded with plenty of old fortifications, cannons, and gun emplacements left by the troupes that once inhabited the area. Other sights that you can visit are the French and British cemeteries, the Powder Magazine, the Guard Cells, the Morne Battery, the Prevost Redoubt, and also the University of the West Indies—St. Lucian Campus. Come and be amazed yourself how Morne Fortune has stood all the events in its history making it possible for us to study and to cherish it at the contemporary time.

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