St. Lucian Fer de Lance

St. Lucian fer de lance comes in different names though pertains to the same animal only, St. Lucia lancehead or St. Lucia Pit Viper. It is a species of venomous snake found only in the West Indies. Fer de lance is one of the five species of snakes found in the island.


Bothrops caribbaeus can grow up to seven feet in total length. They are characterized by a sharp rostrum and an unelevated snout. The color varies from gray to gray-brown, with an irregular stripe on the temporal part of the head. They also have gray and brown markings on the mid-dorsal part that fade towards the sides. Their underside is always very pale yellow. The large triangular head contains poison glands. They live primarily on coastal areas and are rarely seen on places elevated above 600 feet. 

Most of the species are nocturnal, meaning they are commonly seen active during the night, but some are found active during the day on higher altitudes. They are terrestrial, though they are able to climb trees. 

This snake’s population generally showed a relative decline in population over the last fifty years and at present, they can only be found on two portions on the island. Decline in population is primarily due to the attitude of locals in the island to exterminate it due to its dangerous venom. Typical symptoms of this snake’s envenomation include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, bleeding of nose and gums, swelling of the bitten extremity, and burning pain. There can also be discoloration on the bite site and rashes may develop. 

One of the saddling news about the serpents’ (as the locals call it) current situation is that majority of St. Lucia’s wildlife is under the protection of Saint Lucia Wildlife Protection Act of 1980 while fer de lance is not.

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Different Tropical Island Rainforest Walks in St Lucia

Well, it might have been a requirement for tropical islands, St. Lucia for example, to have richly diverse rainforests to boast about. Having a 19, 000 acres of rainforest is more than enough to thank nature for being such a gift of divine providence.

St. Lucia’s rainforest is a protected area as a habitat for exotic birds and array of animals and plants. None may even think that this overpowering forest is once feared of by locals due to folklores that associated the place with evil spirits. Probably this incidence paved the way for St. Lucia’s forest to remain well-preserved up to this moment.

As mentioned earlier, St. Lucia seemed to be well-gifted when it comes to forestry; in addition to this, the island also offers 29 miles of trails that travelers can enjoy upon visit. Speaking of trails, there are a variety of trails that nature adventurers can try:


Named after St. Lucia’s symbol, the Jacquot or Amazona Versicolor Parrot, this trail will definitely give hikers a deeper way of perceiving nature. An experienced Nature Interpreter will guide you along the way as you acquire new learning about St. Lucia’s wildlife. Learn also how forests are considered as essential part of St. Lucian life.


Hike on this trail will take you about three to four hours. Take a tour on the western side and you’ll approach the Edmund Forest Reserve and get into an experience of nature at its best. Not only that, you’ll also get a long time view of the Caribbean Sea and emerging from a distance is Mt. Gimie, highest mountain of St. Lucia that will surely fill your eyes with wonder.


This trail is a ridge that divides St. Lucia into Eastern and Western side. This is about one mile and will take you about an hour to hike and an hour to climb a bridge. Once on top, you’ll get a panoramic view of St. Lucia from four points: one is the view of Mt. Gimie, blu green rainforest,  Cul-de-Sac valley and the Caribbean Sea on the west,  and the Mabouya Valley on the east.


This is 2.5 mile trail that will provide you a great possibility of spotting rare birds and the St. Lucian parrot. Hiking will take you six to seven hours of strenuous but exciting experience. Take a tour and get the chance of seeing the verdant wonderful St. Lucian rainforest.

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Things You Must Do When You Visit St. Lucia

A vacation or trip on an island or perhaps a country will never be complete without trying activities unique to that particular place. Explorations and outdoor adventures is the same as reading the pages of an old story, you’ve got to know something better or probably you’ll get to discover something new from yourself too.

As for St. Lucia, the “Helen of the West Indies”, of all the stuffs that you must try, we’ve listed the most preferred things to do by tourists. Hope you’ll get to know this island better by digging deeper into its story.


Probably one of the greatest sightings you must never pass by is these wonderful Pitons. Sit at the deck of a sailboat while it moves you on a majestic view of these one-of-a-kind landscapes. The rays of the sun add ambiance on the scenery. Known as the “breasts of St. Lucia”, a sneak on the twin peaks is considered as number one on “top five things to do in the world” by O Magazine.


Aside from the pitons and beaches that bring tourists back forth St. Lucia, it also has greater things to offer on the inside. St. Lucia’s inner beauty is green and mountainous signing for a variety of activities to choose from. There are Adventure Parks that will provide you with a walk on the jungle, glide on the canopy tour, and wildlife sightings. Just be sure that you are guided by locals to ensure your safety.


St. Lucia is kind of a water paradise. Beach resorts offer an array of water activities that will definitely make you wet. Why not go for a boat ride, kayaking, wind surfing, skiing lessons, and a whole lot more. If you want more extensive things to try, go for a dive or perhaps whale and dolphin watch.


Friday night is definitely the best time to bring yourself out for a party. St. Lucia offers one of the best night parties and events. The Friday night “jump up” in the Gros Islet village has subsequently become a legend. It was a local event, but foreigners are invited to join and dance with the locals. All with the high-volume sound systems, the night out party continues ‘til the morning. Feel and smell the smoke of barbeque while dancing your hearts out on a night party.

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