The Animals of St. Lucia Rainforest

St. Lucia is the sort of an island anyone dreams about. What makes it interesting is its tourism, it is not that visited by foreigners that’s why everyone gets the chance to enjoy its natural wonders without the hassle of competing with others. Though it is only 27 miles long and 14 miles wide, it has magnificent rainforest that houses relatively exciting animal creatures.       

The rainforest is respected as habitat for rarely seen plants and animals, especially birds. Actually, it has taken centuries for St. Lucia’s rainforest to become what it is now. But would you believe that it was once feared by tourists because of the local folklore that says there are evil spirits residing in the place? Probably not, most especially when you yourself arrived at St. Lucia’s mystic rainforest.                                                                         

Of all the native animals in the rainforest, perhaps the most feared by tourists is Fer-de-Lance, commonly called by locals as serpent. Also called the lance head snake, it is the most venomous snake in South and Central America. Snakes are nocturnal that’s why keep watch on this animal when you travel on night hikes. Other snake specie would be Boa Constrictor that grows from 20 inches to 14 feet long. It is not harmful unless when provoked, making a loud hissing sound. An interesting fact about boas is that, they are good swimmers but they are seldom found in water. 

Perhaps the most colorful animal in St. Lucian rainforest is the parrot, commonly known as Jacquot, their national bird. This one is endemic in St. Lucia that’s why many are attracted to catch it for international pet market. Jacquot is subject to many conservation efforts because females only lay 2 eggs for a year. It is indeed a rare occurrence seeing a St. Lucian Jacquot parrot. 

Lizards offer flashes of bright color in the rainforest; probably one of the most startling is the Green Iguana. It can grow up to 6 feet, with its tail about two-thirds of the total length. 

Relatives of the native Iguana are Tree Lizards, referred to as Anolis. In St. Lucia, most tree lizards are called Zandoli. They are interesting because males possess elaborate display that attracts females during breeding season. 

Amazingly varied terrain makes St. Lucia a home for wildlife. With many different species found on this island, this country is definitely a paradise for those who love animal watching. 

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Can’t Miss Attractions and Activities in St. Lucia

Stay outside the comfort of your homes and tour out!

St. Lucia’s natural beauty matched by its no other location in the Caribbean will definitely bring out the appreciative side of you. Nothing to worry about nature hikes and programs because it have been established to bring out breath-taking assets of the most gorgeous island in the Caribbean. 

Here are just some of the most-visited places in St. Lucia:

LA SOUFRIERE VOLCANO. It is the world’s only drive-in volcano. Though it is an active volcano, it releases an only gas that’s why there’s nothing to worry about. In fact, it has been 400,000 years since volcanic activity took place in here and the pit formed by the eroded part of it adds spice to the amazing scenery.

THE PITONS. Pitons are considered one of the most magnificent and impressive natural wonders of the world. Actually these primeval twin peaks are St. Lucia’s most famous landmark. Petit and Gros, are two remnants of volcanic domes formed thousands of years ago. Only the halest climbers ventured to reach its summit but it’s all worth the price especially it is a rare sight to behold. 

THE MORNE (Morne Fortune). It was popularized because of its essential part in the country’s history. It was one of the primary battlegrounds between France and Britain in its possession of St. Lucia. Originally it was a fort constructed by the French but by now it is a hill and residential area. The site and buildings of Fort Charlotte have been rebuilt and restored to host the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. 

THE SULFUR SPRINGS. The Sulfur Springs is a vast area of hot springs located near the Soufriere volcano. Its steamy, bubbly sulfur springs will really soothe your body from within at the same time teaches you a lot about Caribbean heritage. But beware of its emission of big amounts of harmful gases including hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. 

NATIONAL RAINFOREST. For nature-lovers, 19,000 acres of rainforest will surely fill your fascination of flora and fauna. It is exactly made for those who want to view several species of plants and wildlife on mountains and valleys. Not to mention the brightly-hued St. Lucia parrot commonly known as “jacquot”, the St. Lucia Pewee, and St. Lucia Oriole. A forest officer will accompany you as you hike among giant ferns, orchids and mushrooms. And the most exciting part is that you can also try their rainforest sky rides. Carried by an open-sided aerial tram, you’ll probably enjoy the 75-minute ride as you experience St. Lucia’s intense biodiversity. 

WATERSPORTS. Aside from land adventures, don’t try to miss St. Lucia’s waterscape. It is a perfect place for snorkeling, diving, and windsurfing and enjoy the clear waters as it approach the bays and shores. There’s no need to boat off to deeper waters; it’s amazing to know that its steep drop-offs will enable you to view its underwater beauty. The coasts are also a perfect place for turtle watching.

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Things to Know Before Travelling to the Rainforest

Having a tour in a rainforest could be the most inconvenient possible vacation site of all but once you’ve gone through it; you’ll realize that all the discomforts are worth the price.

You’ve got to experience being tied up with vines or twigs, get bitten by insects or even attacked by larger wild animals. But then after all, the priceless memories and disciplines that it will taught could help you get through life easier.

Before entering the rainforest, just make sure to be reminded of the following points:

BE CAREFUL ABOUT MOSQUITOES. Moist and damp environment in a rainforest is the perfect place for these disease-carrying creatures to establish their breeding grounds. Be reminded to have insect repellants inside your backpack especially those containing DEET, yellowish oil most common ingredient in insect repellants. It is also important to watch your health upon having a trip on a rainforest to assure if you have been infected by malaria and seek the necessary medications as early as possible.

BE WITH A LOCAL GUIDE. It is possible to get lost in a huge forest that’s why it is relevant for every adventurer to ask assistance from a guide who will accompany you throughout the trip. Aside from that, you are also helping the local economy and you will be provided with a variety of insights and stories about the forest you are entering. Most importantly, these guides are the ones to check on your safety every now and then.

HAVE WITH YOU FIRST AID SUPPLIES. You are not going into a park where roads and walkways are cemented; often the path to walk on is a great challenge to tourists. We cannot say when accidents would happen that’s why it is a big must to carry with you a number of first aid stuffs and medicines.

MAXIMIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE. You cannot be able to visit a rainforest everyday. Maximize the experience by exploring the forest well, look for new organisms that you have never seen before, take pictures, have fun, appreciate the beauty of nature. It is such a wonderful experience to escape from all the hassles of the city and spend some time by yourself or with others while being close to the natural wonders of the world.

TAKE NOTHING BUT MEMORIES, LEAVE NOTHING BUT FOOTPRINTS. The Earth does not belong to man but man belongs to the Earth. Every part of it is sacred to people. It is now becoming more common for us tourists to just leave our trash wherever we came from. Respect the place, the forest specifically, and be considerate regarding your waste. Take nothing but memories. Do not dare to carry with you animals or maybe plants for example as a remembrance. For sure the regulations prohibit you to do so. But of course, with or without the rules, you must know your obligations.

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St. Lucia Wildlife Adventure

St. Lucia, a sovereign country in the Caribbean Sea is known for its rich wildlife aside from the mountainous islands that encapsulates the country’s rainforests. St. Lucia is a tropical country making it suitable for visitors who wants to experience vacation on a bright weather.

Discover St. Lucia’s wide array of animals including exotic birds, mountains, luscious greens and marine mammals that inhabits in the country. Rainforest are the habitats for most birds and animals in the country because of the fine weather that is perfect for the animals to breed and roam around. It’s like a safe place for them and the tourist will like the fact that you can interact with nature and its creatures through this rainforest.

Many tropical islands are present in St. Lucia having you to have lots of choices once you visit the country. Here are some of the top rainforest you can consider to take an adventure with. Adding also some of the tourist destinations you can go other than the rainforest.

Rainforest Trail

Walk along the Millet Rainforest Trail and see the local birds inhabiting the forest. Take site of the St. Lucia parrot commonly known as the Jackquot. It is a local parrot in St. Lucia together with some other birds that you will see as you continue with the trail. Millet Rainforest also has the Botanical Garden and Diamond Falls.

Sulphur Springs

Experience snorkeling around the Soufriere bay and see the reef. Also get a chance to see the Soufriere bat cave. This marine park is also home for the Caribbean fish.

Dolphin and Whale Watching

Try boating and see the different sea mammals at St. Lucia. You’ll find a wide species of whales and mammals along the trip and some other birds flying above as well.

Des Cartier Rainforest Trail

A botanical paradise found in Mahaut, a hidden rainforest that is also home for jackouts. Take a trek through this rainforest and take a view of the wild, see species of plants and the endemic animals found on the wildlife.

Pigeon Island

Find a place of mountains and forest at the Pigeon Island. Take a walk around the park and interact with the wild as you go inside a trek on the rainforest and see different species of native birds.

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